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The Storage Activity allows you to perform two operations: creating a folder and uploading a file.

Make a Folder

Creates a folder in the specified directory. If the folder name is left blank, the folder will be created in the root directory.

Folder NameName of the folder to be created.YesRoot Directory


messageStatus message confirming the directory creation.
"result": {
"message": "Directory \"folder_name\" created successfully."

Upload File

Uploads a file to the specified directory. If the folder path is left blank, the file will be saved to the root location.

File ContentURL, content, or Base64-encoded data for the file.Yes-
File NameName of the file.Yes-
Folder PathIf left blank, the file will be saved to the root location.NoRoot Directory
OverwriteCheckbox option to overwrite the existing file with the same name.No-
Shareable LinkThis option is a toggle switch that, when enabled, generates a link to share the fileNoFalse
Expire InThis option allows you to set an expiration time for the link, ranging from 1 minute to 30 days. This gives you control over how long the link remains active, whether for temporary or extended sharing purposesNo60 minutes


messageStatus message confirming the upload.
pathThe path where the uploaded file is stored.
shareable_link (Optional)A URL to access the uploaded file. (This will only be available if you enabled Shareable Link while uploading the file )
"result": {
"message": "File uploaded successfully",
"path": "file_name.json",
"shareable_link": ""

Advanced Options

Maximum Activity Completion Timeout (in seconds)The maximum time to wait for the activity to complete.No60
Max TriesThe maximum number of times the activity should be retried in case of failure.No1
Wait Between RetriesConstant factor by which the time delay between retry attempts increases after each failure.No2
Interval (in seconds)Minimum time delay between retries.No1
Max IntervalThe maximum interval between retries in seconds.No100