📄️ Introduction
Workflow Builder is a tool that allows you to create and manage workflows. It is a visual tool that allows you to create workflows by dragging and dropping nodes and connecting them.
🗃️ Triggers
10 items
🗃️ Activities
27 items
🗃️ Credentials
7 items
📄️ Global Variables
Global variables are variables that are available to all the steps in a workflow. They are defined in the workflow settings and can be used in any step in the workflow.They are useful for storing data that is used multiple times in the workflow, saving you from having to re-enter the data in every step.
📄️ Versions
To enable a workflow to run automatically using a schedule or webhooks, it must first be deployed. Deploying a workflow allows you to build or update it without causing any interruptions.
📄️ Retry Configurations
Workflows can be configured to retry in case of failure. You can configure the number of retries and the time between retries.If you don't configure the number of retries then the retries set for the Step-Function or App-Manager Workflow stack would be used.
🗃️ Concepts
4 items