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Google Meet

The Google Meet activity is used to schedule video meetings via Google Meet. You can also customize meeting details and send invitations.

For this activity, you need to setup Google Meet Integration.


1. Credential to Connect

  • Required: Yes
  • Description: Select the credential required to connect with Google Meet.

2. Operation

  • Required: Yes
  • Description: Choose the desired operation you want to perform.

3. Summary

  • Required: Yes
  • Description: Provide a brief summary of the meeting.

4. Event Description

  • Required: Yes
  • Description: Add a detailed description of the meeting.

5. Attendees

  • Required: Yes
  • Description: Enter attendee emails. Press Space after each email to add.

6. Start Date & Time

  • Required: Yes
  • Description: Select the starting date and time for the meeting.

7. End Date & Time

  • Required: Yes
  • Description: Select the ending date and time for the meeting.

7. End Date & Time

  • Required: Yes
  • Description: Select the ending date and time for the meeting.

8. Time Zone (Optional)

  • Required: No
  • Description: Select the time zone for the meeting. This field is optional.

Advanced Options

For more information on advanced settings, see the Advanced Options documentation.