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Algolia is a powerful search and discovery API platform that enables businesses to create fast and relevant search experiences for their websites, mobile applications, and other digital properties. It provides a highly scalable, hosted search service that allows developers to integrate sophisticated search functionality without the need for extensive backend infrastructure or expertise in search technology.

This Algolia Insights destination streamlines the process of sending various insights events to Algolia with just one click:

  • Send conversion events directly to Algolia.
  • Log product click events seamlessly to Algolia.
  • Track product list filter actions to Algolia.
  • Report product additions to Algolia.
  • Record product views with ease to Algolia.

Getting started

To Send data to your Algolia destination, you'll need:

  • Application ID of your Algolia Account
  • Application API Key of your Algolia Application


Add Algolia as a destination to Boltic in the following manner:

To connect with Algolia

  1. Enter a Destination Name by which you want to refer to this Algolia Destination
  2. Enter your Application ID of your Algolia Account where data will flow
  3. Enter application API Key of your Algolia Application
  4. Test and Save your destination

You have now successfully added Algolia as destination to Boltic! Your defined events will start flowing to your account.