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Rerun Monitors

You can use synthetic monitoring's rechecks to rerun a monitor checks. All rechecks begin immediately at a single location. This makes it easy to verify a single failing location or result.

Additionally, all recheck data appears as a standard monitor datapoint and result. This allows you to view monitor checks in context with the overall monitor performance.

View and rerun failed monitor results

The Rerun button allows you to recheck a failed monitor's results. This is useful when you want to verify a single failing location or result.

To view a failed monitor's results and recheck it:

  1. Go to > Monitor, then select a monitor.

  2. From the monitor's Run History page, use the filter or sort options to select a location indicating Results: FAILED.

  3. Review the failed check details, then click Rerun.

  4. To view the updated status, click Run History.

    Rerun Monitor

When you click Rerun, Boltic triggers an immediate recheck using the result's location and the monitor's current configuration. You should now see the updated status in the Run History page.