📄️ Introduction
Boltic Synthetic Monitoring is a fully managed platform that allows you to monitor your applications and services from multiple locations around the world. It helps you to ensure that your applications are available and performing as expected and help you get detailed reports on the performance of your applications. Synthetic Monitoring gives you insights into what your real-world customers are experiencing.
📄️ Getting Started
Boltic offers a powerful suite of synthetic monitoring tools to help you ensure your websites, APIs, and domains are performing optimally. Here's an overview of what each feature does and how Boltic can help you maintain the highest standards of availability, security, and performance.
📄️ Rerun Monitors
You can use synthetic monitoring's rechecks to rerun a monitor checks. All rechecks begin immediately at a single location. This makes it easy to verify a single failing location or result.
📄️ View Monitor Results
Synthetic monitoring automatically records each simple and scripted browser monitor check, allowing you to see the load time and response size for every run, as well as the exact order in which each resource loaded.
🗃️ Scripted Monitors
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