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Kafka Connections

Kafka Connections are used to connect to a Kafka cluster. You can create a new Kafka Connection by clicking on the "Add Credential" button in the Kafka Connection section of the Workflow Builder Credentials.


NameThe name of the Kafka Connection.Yes
Client IDThe client ID to be used for the Kafka Connection.Yes
SSLThe SSL configuration to be used for the Kafka Connection.Yesfalse
BrokersThe list of brokers to be used for the Kafka Connection.Yes
SASLThe SASL configuration to be used for the Kafka Connection.Yesfalse
PolicyThe policy to be used for the Kafka Connection.Yes, if SASL is true
UsernameThe username to be used for the Kafka Connection.Yes, if SASL is true
PasswordThe password to be used for the Kafka Connection.Yes, if SASL is true
Authentication TimeoutThe authentication timeout to be used for the Kafka Connection.No
Retry TimeoutThe retry timeout to be used for the Kafka Connection.No
Request TimeoutThe request timeout to be used for the Kafka Connection.Yes