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Pipe Creation Flow

Components of a Pipeline

  • Source: The source represents the origin of your data. It can be a variety of data storage systems, including databases, SaaS-based applications (via API endpoints), or file storage. Boltic seamlessly integrates with popular data sources such as MongoDB, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.
  • Destination: The destination is the target location where data from the source is loaded. It typically refers to a data warehouse or a database where you want to analyze and manage your data.

You can establish a connection between one source and one destination within a single Pipeline. However, multiple Pipes can load data into the same destination, allowing you to manage data from different sources effectively.

Pipe Listing - Managing Pipes

The Pipe listing page provides an overview of your created Pipes. On this page, you can perform the following actions:

  • Search: Search pipes by their names
  • Filtering: Filter Pipes by their status or integration type.
  • Management: Create new Pipes or move existing Pipes to the trash.
Pipe Listing

Create a New Pipe

Let's walk through the process of creating a new Pipe, step by step:

  1. Configure Source
  2. Configure Destination
  3. Configure Settings

Step 1: Configure Source

Pipe Configure Source
  1. Pipe Name: Give your Pipe a unique & meaningful name that represents its purpose.
  2. Connect Source Data: Choose an existing Integration (source) from which you want to retrieve your data.
  3. Source Configuration: Configure your source settings, such as loading all schemas or selecting specific databases. You can also choose to load historical data and include new tables in the pipeline.
  4. After configuring the source, click on 'Save & Continue' to proceed.

Failure Handling Mode

The Failure Handling Mode lets users decide how to handle errors like oversized documents or events during data processing:

Pipe Failure Handling Mode

Skip: Logs the issue and continues processing the remaining data to avoid interruptions.

Fail: Stops processing and shows an error message to address the issue immediately.

Users can configure this option easily in the UI while creating a pipe. This feature provides clear control and ensures smooth data processing.

Step 2: Configure Destination

Pipe Destination
  1. Connect Destination: Choose an existing destination where you want to load your data.
Pipe Destination
  1. Destination Configuration: Select an existing dataset or create a new one. If creating a new dataset, specify its name and region. Optionally, you can set a destination table prefix, which will be applied to your table names.
  2. Populate Loaded Timestamp: If desired, enable this option to include a timestamp indicating when the data was loaded.
  3. After configuring the destination settings, click on 'Save & Continue'.

Step 3: Connection Settings (Set up Connection)

Pipe Connection Setting
  1. Object Selection: Choose the specific objects (tables, collections, etc.) from the source that you want to synchronize.
  2. Partition Key: If available, specify a partition key for each object to optimize queries.
  3. After configuring the connection settings, click on 'Save & Continue'.

Step 4: Final Settings

Pipe Final Setting
  1. Schema Mappings: Boltic automates schema mappings for your Pipe, simplifying the setup process.
  2. Replication Frequency: Choose the frequency at which data is synchronized, whether minutely, hourly, or daily.
  3. After configuring the final settings, click on 'Save & Deploy'.

Upon successful deployment, you'll be directed to the overview page of your new Pipe, where you can monitor its status and performance.

Pipe Overview

Pipe Overview
Overview- View overall Pipe details including Status
- Pause or Resume the Pipe
- See Upcoming Schedule
- Track Events Processed
- Check Schema Mapping
- Monitor Loading and Historical Load Status
- Check the Last Synced timestamp
Runs- View history of Pipe processing and data sinking
- Monitor the processing status and history
Change History- Check the audit trail and history of changes made to the Pipe configuration
Schemas- Explore the schema of the Source data used in the Pipe
- Understand the structure of the data


Pipe Runs

Change History

Pipe History

Pipe Schema

Pipe Schema